Reiki Energy Healing

What is Reiki? 

A thousands-year-old practice of energy activation, Reiki Energy Healing is a gentle and powerful modality of balancing the body by working with and activating the energy field that surrounds and runs through our bodies.

”Rei” means universal and “Ki” means life energy, which is the life force that animates all living beings. Energy is just as real as our physical matter and makes up the other half of our human equation. While paying attention to the health of our bodies is important, so is tending to our energy field which allows for a truly balanced and healthy lived experience.

When our energy field is out of balance it affects mood and emotions, physical well-being, and mental clarity. Signs that the energy field is out of balance might include muscle and joint pain, headaches, fatigue, sadness, sleeplessness, erratic or heightened emotions, or confused and overwhelming thoughts.

Reiki practitioners are “attuned” to reiki energy, which allows them to engage and activate energy to cleanse, stoke, and energize the life force to bring about a sense of health, well-being, stability, and positivity toward life.

Energy Sessions

  • Reiki Energy Healing

    Life force energy flows and animates our physical bodies, literally giving us life. When we think of health, we often focus on our body, but we have an energetic body as well. When this energy field is weak or unwell it can manifest in physical ailments such as stress, trouble sleeping, muscle aches, signs of aging, mental issues, and disease.

    Reiki Energy Healing works with the energy field to bring about natural healing and a sense of well being in the mind, body and spirit.

    Sessions are fully clothed and average 75 minutes. If you’re interested to hear transmitted messages or intuitive guidance after the session, that is also included in our time.

  • Home and Space Clearing

    Our home, office and dwelling place have an energetic field that carries the residue of past experiences and events. This energy speaks clearly to those in-tune and affects everyone who enters, aware or not.

    These spaces can be cleared and cleansed through the physical movement of energy that clears away the past and creates a sanctuary for new energies to thrive.

    This is akin to an energetic house cleaning with no ritual or special tools. Palo Santo and Sage can be used by request. Occupants of the property can also be blessed and cleared as an extension of the home, when arranged in advance.

Why Reiki?

I’m so glad you asked.

Long story short, a few years ago I was miserable, suffering from chronic pain, acne, IBS, anxiety, sleeplessness, and a general feeling of dread that I could never shake.

My mental and emotional states were a mess and while my life as a wedding planner and mom of three looked pretty tidy, I was suffering.

I tried everything to get relief: chiropractor, massage, pain relievers, herbs, supplements, long walks, and strong martinis, but nothing got to the root of the problem.

I began to ask myself if this is just what aging feels like, or if it’s possible to feel good. Like, really good, pretty much all of the time. That’s when reiki healing found me and began to work a miracle in my life.

Reiki is the movement of our Life Force Energy, which is the energy field that moves through and around our bodies and gives us life. To put it simply, when that field is out of balance we suffer.

Reiki restores balance not just in the body but also in the mind, the emotions, and the energy field that belongs to you. It’s a gentle, relaxing, deeply moving modality that can bring relief and profound healing.

I’m a certified Level 3 Master practitioner and teacher, and I’m thrilled and humbled to bring this gift of healing to our Santa Ynez community.

Learn More.

Leanne hosts a short and informative class on what is reiki, where it originated in our modern culture, and how it works in her sessions.